Empowering Communities for a
Healthy Mississippi Conference
Flowood, Mississippi | June 4 - 6, 2025
Registration Ends May 15th 5:00 PM
What to Expect
The 2025 Empowering Communities for a Healthy Mississippi Conference (ECHMC) is open to the public and will feature interactive workshops and informative sessions to address the challenges faced by healthcare professionals, educators, civic leaders, and community and faith-based organizations in combating Mississippi’s pressing health disparities.
Join 400+ Attendees, 50+ Exhibitors, Vendors, Insightful CE Sessions and Speakers. With a carefully crafted agenda focusing on emerging issues and current best practices, ECHMC will bring together Mississippi’s leading experts to share, learn and discuss.
Be Apart of the Conversation!
Please click the button below to submit your session proposals/abstracts for consideration to present at the conference. Selected speakers and session presenters will receive complimentary conference registration and hotel accommodations. The deadline to submit is February 21!
Conference registration
Choose your path to attend the largest health conference in Mississippi for Empowering Communities. Registration is $50, or $25 for students. Includes 3-day (Wednesday – Friday) admission, breakfast and lunch. Scholarships to attend at no cost are available for Students and MSDH Employees only. Click HERE to apply!
Community Health Workers Summit & Pre-Conference Details/Session Registrations Coming Soon!
Wednesday-Friday Keynote and Education Sessions
Wednesday - Friday Exhibits
Thursday Reception
Awards Luncheon
MSDH Employee
Current/Retired Only-
Wednesday - Friday Keynote and Education Sessions
Wednesday - Friday Exhibits
Thursday Reception
Awards Luncheon
Scholarships Available
Currently Enrolled-
Wednesday -Friday Keynote and Education Sessions
Wednesday -Friday Exhibits
Thursday Reception
Awards Luncheon
Scholarships Available
*ECHMC is a not-for-profit/non-income event. All funds collected go directly toward the operational costs of the conference.*
Why Attend?
Stay Current: Never stop learning by participating in industry-related sessions designed for diverse audience and specialities.
Stay Inspired: Talented speakers offer insights and practical solutions for everyday challenges and real-world questions.
Stay Engaged: Ask questions during sessions or share your knowledge and perspective.
Stay Connected: Grow your network within and outside your community, meet new colleagues and expand your professional circle.
#1 Rule: Have Fun! Take advantage of our conference amenities, social events, games and activities while making new and lasting memories with your fellow attendees.
Join Our Mission for a Healthy MS!
New Location: Sheraton Flowood
- 2200 Refuge Blvd, Flowood, MS 39232
- (601) 936-4550
Sheraton Flowood
- 2200 Refuge Blvd, Flowood, MS 39232
- (601) 936-4550
Stay tuned for room reservation details.
Hotel rooms are $159 + tax per night (single/double occupancy). Must have a credit card for incidentals. Pricing includes resort fees, all taxes are not included in price. Must reserve the room block by May 2, 2023.
Please be sure to confirm that your correct arrival date and departure date is selected. The link does not automatically populate the dates below and must be revised at the time of booking.